December 2023 FPP

10 Florida Pool Prosm • December 2023 ECONOMIC IMPACT make up the vast majority of pools and spas built. The retail and cleaning/maintenance sector of the Florida industry generates $2.4 Billion per year for the Florida economy. Recurring cleaning andmaintenance of residential and commercial pools and spas generates approximately $443 Million per year across the state, while retail accessory/chemical sales account for $1.6 Billion. Lastly, the Florida swimming pool and spa industry generates approximately $1.7 Billion in federal, state, and local tax revenue per year. For the state of Florida, the tax revenue is spread across business income taxes, sales taxes, and increases in local property taxes. The Florida industry generates about $230 Million per year in state business income taxes, $126 Million per year in sales taxes, and $29 Million per year in increased local property taxes. This economic impact study shows the strength of the Florida swimming pool and spa industry and demonstrates how important the swimming pool and spa industry is to the State of Florida. If you have any question about the economic impact study, please email FSPA Senior Director of GovernmentAffairs, Dallas Thiesen at Dallas@FloirdaPoolPro. com.